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The a.s.d. Stagnone Kitesurf is nestled in the beautiful setting of the natural reserve of the Stagnone Lagoon of Marsala (Tp), less than an hour’s drive from Palermo and a short walk from Birgi Airport.
We deal with advertise, initiate, and maintain the wonderful sport of Kitesurfing and in general all water sports like surfing, sup, windsurfing.
Kitesurfing is a sport specifically very young and on the rise of all ages and all walks of life. The fascination that causes the common beach observers is undeniable and goes along with addiction and that generates spending a day on a board surfing dragging by the wind. Contrary to what one might commonly believe, kitesurfing is a sport simple and very fast in learning, you are practically autonomous, with a course lasting about 6 hours.

stagnone kitesurf

Furthermore the gear (the kite to which you are bounded) does not require streight to be handled with, all the traction is discharged on the hearness (a belt buckled to waist) to which the arms serve only to manage the gear with bar system control as well as the wheel of a common bicycle.
That’s why even children starting for 9 years old , or very thin people can be successfully introduced to the sport. Furthermore, our strategic location on the lagoon makes this sport particularly safe and easy to learn: The lagoon has an average depth of 30-40 cm so you can walk back even several hundred meters away from the shore, the Lagoon is in communication with the open sea at only 2 points, there are no waves even the weather is windy or guesty.
This combination of shallow and calm water makes the lagoon the favorite destination for kiteboarders from all over Europe. It not infrequently happened that people or couples, bored by life in the city, have been found to spend a weekend in Marsala, approach to case in the world of kitesurfing with a course of a few hours are no longer out of this world. It’s not just a sport, it’s a world where you can shake every day new friendships, new links, strong new incentives, and why not new love stories: everyday Marsala and our school are the stage of arrival of new kiters from around the Summer in the world as well as in winter: the non-competitive nature of kiteboarding fact makes us all linked by strong common passion for the sport.
Fair winds to all

Stagnone Kitesurfing

For more info please contact us on the web www.stagnonekitesurf.com
Or visit our fb page www.facebook.com/sicilykitesurfing

