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It is a great source of pride for Sicily can count on a wonderful territory, rich in charm and history, recognized and appreciated everywhere for the architectural and natural beauty, climate and emotions that can infuse.

Undeniable suggestiveness of the salt pans of Trapani, a prestigious nature reserve of the region, extending in the municipalities of Trapani, is known for the exercise of the ancient mining of salt.

A breathtaking landscape that leaves everyone speechless when the sun sets behind the salt, blurring the sky in red and pink, and which can rightly afford to point to the Unesco nomination, an international qualification assigned to areas of terrestrial, coastal and for marine ecosystem preservation and biodiversity.

An ambitious but possible that, by involving the entire territory, aims to build a brand of excellence, implementing tourist traffic and intercepting new resources by the European Union.

The Regional Department for Cultural Heritage Foundation and the UNESCO Sicily triggered a preliminary comparison to assess the conditions and factors that validate the technical and scientific requirements of the site to start the application.

As part of a conference, sponsored by the Wine Route Erice DOC which was also attended by some foreign speakers ICCROM, on October 30 it has been previously discussed the nomination.

There is no doubt that the application of the salt pans of Trapani UNESCO creates a new development opportunities for the Trinacria, land of myths and legends whose image is represented by Gorgon.

A mythological figure, whose hair is interwoven snakes with ears of corn, from which radiate three legs bent at the knee. Of the three legs, which represent the end points of the island, one of Cape Lilibeo could soon boast of international recognition of thickness.
ELOISA Zerilli source www.balarm.com

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