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If you have ever wondering why unlike your friends you cannot jump higher, or make beautiful jumps with small or large rotations, the answer is probably you do not have a nice pop.

The pop is the take off of every trick of free-style and old-style hooked too.

The pop can be summed up as a coordinated movement precise and instantaneous act to send the kite in full power zone (remember the wind window change depending on your position and the strength of the wind) and to create a framework pre-tension on lines.


The ​​maneuvers that must be done are (keeping the kite at 45 °):

downwind for a while to increase speed, with a quick and sudden movement) and, before the board leaves the water push off with the back leg.


Many people arrive in our, as in other schools asking for advanced courses to jump better..

Usually the lesson in question does not focus on the on the pop and its coordination within the movements of the jump.

Remember the succession:

kite quickly to the zenith


accompany the pull of the kite

once in the air

pull the bar

and as you begin the descent redirect the kite in the desired direction

spot your landing downwind

kitesurf stagnone


Some of these steps are almost contemporaries, also remember to be always “facing the kite”

the jump is a coordination of many elements, not particularly difficult to perform, but for a perfect execution is necessary that each element is not overlooked.

The pop can ‘influence up to 50% on the final result.

Powerful pop, performed at high speed ensure highest jumps.

Finally the board affects the result: the rocker (very roughly defined as the curvature) affects the handling while the “elastic” ones, the property to return quickly to its form after a pressure / torque gives you more intense jump off.

And you, who pop are you?


Stagnone Kitesurf

our kitesurf school is waiting for you in Sicily , Stagnone di Marsala,TP and on line:

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