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Whether pro riders or you  have just finished the basic course, which frequentiate spot super crowded with no possibility of movement or deserted beaches does not matter, what matters is that you keep always a high level of safety for you and those around you, to the ground as in water.
We often see people seized by the frenzy of getting into the water, which indulges in gross errors (often drawn from the basic course of some pirate not IKO) in the armament or the trim of the wings, and then in June of crossed lines of tangles and unnecessary risks taken: brace yourselves now: the kite goes armed downwind.
we decided to compile a short handbook not in order of importance, the clear need to stretch your lines and hook them downwind, compared to doing it in the opposite direction:
1. From downwind you can check lines, the field of view is clear: the pig tails at the bar, nothing can escape it, bridle it clear, any crossings etc.
2. If the kite took the wind, or a burst, or because you forgot to put in security with the sand will have: a length of line before it gets to you and another before it goes into power, then you will have time to react .
3. You can make the “compass” keeping the lines almost live once hooked, and easily get in position to launch further and check that everything is okay.
4. You can effectual a self launching.
5. Facilitate the task server that will run: arming windward himself walking on the lines to reach the leading edge.
6. The assistant launch if armed upwind once you reach the center of the leading edge and then must leave the reins already live before launching. Better downwind.
7. If you have to raise your weapon upwind leading edge, to find the lines that will be under the kite and pass them from below, extremely uncomfortable. Better downwind.

8. When attaching the leash to the bar, especially on a kite that is used for the first time it has clear lines of that the security system will work.
9. they avoid unnecessary entrainment bar, stretching the lines upwind you will always have to pull a little ‘over the back to move them together to pig tails. Better downwind.
10. The last reason is a clarification to the fundamentalist armed upwind of kite you impunteranno because the “red goes to the left” you are recommending to arm with the bar not in the correct position. Recall that the left and right of the kite identify just by looking at the kite upwind. Once focused this point will not go wrong.
StagnoneKitesurf you so choose IKO qualified instructors according to the standards, you will always have the best in terms of safety and education.
